My morning runs are almost relaxing. If I start early enough, the thrilling sunrise, brisk winter wind, and faint bird songs greet me. If my timing is off, however, a swarm of headlights on the slick pavement, heavy rainclouds, and curling exhaust haunt my route around campus. But there are some nearby neighborhoods that are always draped in peace, quiet, and relaxation. Such stillness can be treasured, while the space to think and breathe and live is fragile but replenishing. There’s a deeper point here: creativity can’t grow when our environments crowd it out. Instead, we can find our individual routine that encourages inspiration.
In the class, The Branding of Me with Professor Gary Kayye, we are discovering our own creative processes and personal brands. And it all starts with understanding who you really are. It’s there, but you have to recognize it. Last Wednesday, we all took the Enneagram Personality Test and considered how our personal strengths can contribute to our future careers while considering potential blind spots we can grow through.

This class topic inspired me to consider how our personalities use creativity. If you read my last blog, you will know that everyone is creative. That doesn’t mean we are all creative in the same way. If you want to explore a rabbit trail of self-discovery, check this link out that assesses your creativity style!
Now that you know your creative style, find a personalized routine! What thought process, exercise, or hobby makes your brain more curious about the world? How can you make space in the day to feel inspired?

My creative routine for coming up with new ideas is quite frankly annoying. I consider the problem I want to solve (no, not world hunger or solutions to inflation, but something a bit more manageable), and I mentally picture it. Then I go running or take a shower, and nearly every time the solution pops in my head. Literally, my great ideas come when I’m sweaty or taking a shower. Weird. Anyway, find what works best for you.
It’s important to note that anything feeding you information makes your brain work less and use less of its potential. Hobbies utilize creativity and technology (like social media) shares it, but don’t get the two confused! Inspiration comes in individual ways, so play by its rules.
Lastly, I challenge you to write a six-word story! You’ve probably heard Ernest Hemingway’s famous story “For sale, baby shoes, never worn,” a perfect example of concise writing using verbal negative space to draw in an audience and leave them asking questions. Writing these is great fun and surprisingly difficult. And I’m not a hypocrite here; just read the first sentence of this blog and try not to imagine how long it took me to write it.

If you have any comments, want to share your own creative process, or write a 6-word story, please share in the comments below! I want to hear from you!